Saturday, May 15, 2010

The People Have Spoken

Automated Polls

The people have spoken. Regardless of whether they cast their votes for the sake of common good or for their own self-interest or even just to alleviate the lightness of their pockets, the people have made their choice.

Although I wish to congratulate those who won the elections just as I did last time, the burden that accompanies the elected office has never been so light; much to say, that it is something that one should seek for the sake of achieving or attaining.

The first automated polls has ushered in a new era of Philippine politics, one which is fast and whose results/content is harder to tamper. And yet, far be it from me to say that it has no deficiencies.

For as long as individuals cheat and allow themselves to be cheated, no voting machine, however advanced, can produce results beneficial to all concerned.

Angono Elections

As for Angono, congratulations on those whom the people of Angono have elected.

Let it be known that the past administration has taken great strides in promoting the welfare of the community with due and proper regard to the laws that applies and must be adhered to by all, citizens and officials alike.

I expect the new administration to do the same or if not, my tongue will get inspired to be cheeky.

I wish newly elected officials good health and pray that wisdom be given from above to guide them in their decisions.


Let's get to business then.

* The past administration closed the dumpsite near the Laguna watershed area for the purpose of dumping and has relocated. The "transfer station" must be closed and the area completely rehabilitated. No further activity must be allowed in that area as per R.A 9003. If funding is available, build a park in it. Such an eye sore must not exist in the "Artist's Paradise."

* Public servants are not personal servants. Goverment employees work for the people and not for elected officials. The work/services they provide are not for elected official's personal use. Hence, it is unethical to order a government employee or anyone on government payroll to be told by an elected official to do something for his personal benefit. Exemptions are those who are designated as "personal assistants" and allowed by law and ordinance. Such personal assistants much not be in numbers to the point of competing with the Ampatuans.

* When outside the municipality, do not put relatives in charge. It is a violation of Sec 46 of R.A. 7160 (Philippine Local Government Code). If it is within 3 days, only elected or appointed officials of the municipality are allowed under the law to become OIC. After 3 days, the law demands that the vice-mayor takes over.

* It is unethical and possibly illegal for contracts that involve personal businesses of any government officials to bid in any government announcements/transactions. Biddings must take place on all public contracts unless permitted by law.

* Funeral flowers paid for by the municipality of Angono are to be addressed "on behalf of the Municipality of Angono" not "on behalf of Mayor... and family."

* Make sure none of an elected official's relatives benefit from being your relative when it involves government business.

* Abide by the Philippine Civil Service Laws when hiring government employees.

I am watching.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Who Will Cheeky Gadfly Vote For?

Cheeky Gadfly would vote for:

(1) those who abide by and respect the law. I will not support anyone who circumvent, and ignore (and are ignorant of) the law, regardless of how popular and publicly supported a candidate is. I will be a thorn to anyone who thinks they are above the law and criticize them to submission.

I will take note of candidates that subscribes to the notion of "Due Process." I commend and support candidates that ensure their decisions comply and are consistent with the law.

(2) those who do not use the public office for personal gain. I will not support anyone who uses public money to pay for funeral flowers if it is not named on behalf of the "Municipalityof Angono," but certain public officials. I will not tolerate candidates that take advantage of the poor by giving goods during the election period.

(3) those who do not base their candidacies on their parent's achievements. We will be measured by our actions, not by the blood that flows in our veins.

(4) those who do not base their candidacy as a leader of a church / denomination. Christians ought not to commit the Sin of Uzziah , King of Judah, and blur the separation that divides the church and state. Such action is contrary to Christ's exhortation that "my kingdom is not of this world."

(5) those who care for the environment. Awards have no bearing to me if I see with my own eyes that laws created to protect the environment are violated by the same individuals who claim they seek to protect the environment. I have the ability to assess who are compliant and who promote the environment, beyond awards, ceremonies, and pageantries. For I am a watchful citizen.

(6) those who employ individuals based on their political affiliation and support, not the individual's merit. Shun those who employ gov't employees and treat them as their personal alipores. I hate private armies funded by public funds. Those who imitate the Ampatuans will suffer the wrath of my tongue.

(7) those who are open-minded and seek the counsel of others. I discourage others to vote for those who think they only possess the answer to the problems of society. Stay away from delusional candidates.

More to come.