Thursday, November 1, 2012

Response to Senator Cayetano's Proposal to Name Corrupt Political Dynasties

Political dynasties are themselves issues of their own, Senator Cayetano. It does not need to be a corrupt political dynasty, in order for a political dynasty to be an issue. Political dynasty, per se, is a corruption of a democratic and republican system of government.

Political dynasties perpetuate the existence of a subservient, ill-informed, and politically uneducated citizenry. It encourages the common individual to believe that bios politikos is reserved for the few, and thus the many needs to just shut up.

As if destined by the stars or written within their genes, it creates the perception that politics are run by those who are born to rule; they are those who, through proper breeding, have good political acumen that courses through their blue-blooded veins which can be passed down from generation to generation.

Political dynasties reinforces the notion of politics as the "work" of a few enlightened individuals as opposed to the deliberation of the many, vulgar crowd. The untransparent discussions of the elite are efficient and necessary to alleviate the burden of policy-making amongst pleasure-seeking individuals within a consumer-defined and materially-driven polity.

Lastly, it testifies to the immaturity and incapacity of the citizenry to effectively govern themselves. From voters that tend to favor the popular, regardless of their credentials (or the lack thereof), to the scarcity of non-dynastic candidates, political dynasties deprive the nation of the talents and skills of capable individuals from all backgrounds, regardless of blood-ties.

Thus, we are deprive of the fruits of diverse perspectives, insights and opinions; the competition of ideas does not exist because not all ideas prolong the existence of a family's hold onto power.
