Saturday, September 5, 2009

Politics of Personality VS. Issue-based Politics: The Media and its Trapo Tendencies

It is typical for Filipinos to believe that the answer to the everlasting disease of government corruption and rule of the popular (e.g., actors, offsprings of eminent figures, sport figures, etc.), the rich, and even the academicians is to elect a politician of virtuous quality, who will lead the country to a better future.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Such naiveness deserves no less than the sting of reminding them, by hurtful words, that such person does not exist! "All fall short of His glory," as it is written.

Another vain fallacy that keeps me awake, short of laughing myself to the point of breathlessness, is the notion that the sons and daughters of proven benevolent rulers (e.g., Noynoy Aquino) will inherit the virtue of their respected ancestors and thus, lead the country to a better future.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

I thought the Philippines was beginning to shed its traditional notions of politics, which nations since the founding of recorded history had relentlessly subscribed into: that virtuous rule is passed down by blood; that, the key to the art of good governance is locked in the vaults of genetic breeding.

I am boggled, incensed, and struck by the incessant media attention given to a single person whose experience and knowledge of public governance is somewhat unknown and have been found wanting. I am currently checking the laws sponsored by this individual seeking the presidency, the decisions he has made, and the acts by which he became known for; so far, I have not found anything worthwhile to say when it comes to crediting him.

Only that he was the fortunate son of two revered statesmen.

Make no mistake. I am not advocating a rival presidential candidate. Mar Roxas is also a derivative product of traditional politics, a politician groomed and doomed to be shadowed by a father who was once a Philippine president.

The issue here, dear audience, is that again, through the focused exposure these blasted news networks, newspapers, and other media outlets have given a single individual's likelihood of deciding to become a potential presidential candidate, the Filipino people are being inundated with useless and irrelevant information detrimental to encouraging the rise of Filipinos as "informed citizens" vital to our democratic way of life.

Again, make no mistake. I do not advocate the regulation of the media because of its tendency to personalize what should have been issue-based!

I am merely criticizing its tendency to mix showbiz with the business of the state. Please don't be stupid enough to mix both or we'll end up with another convicted plunderer in the helm of the state.

Oops! Was that too obvious?

This happens when those who call themselves "journalists" try to please the people with "in" and profitable news: news that would likely titillate the audience than inform and provide the people with the necessary tools to wisely elect their representatives.

Even the media must be held accountable. No one, nothing is beyond reproach. Mind what you focus on telling; we, the gadflies, are always watching.

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