Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Personal Criticism: The Maguindanao Massacre

I wish to express my condolences to the family of the victims of the Maguindanao Massacre.

I hope that their deaths would not have been in vain; by all that I hold dear, I shall try to give justice to those who subscribes to the principles of democracy, even at the risk of their own lives.

There are no words, no language too aggressive, no description so near to embody the utter disregard for human life.

It was a classic case of the madness that envelop men in their pursuit, desire and hunger to perpetuate their hold on power by any means and at all costs.

It is base evil. Relative or not, friend or foe, beloved or hated, whosoever subcribes to this kind of politics shall suffer the wrath of my tongue. I pray it remains sharp at all times.

One of the purposes of this blog was to criticize actions that would encourage and lead to this barbaric act, and deconstruct the operating mindset of the perpetrators who deserve the fullest application of due process of the law.

We shall teach this ignorant fools that the time for political clans in the Philippines is about to end.

We must also hold accountable a lousy and ineffective national government, an administration who benefitted from its alliance with this clan in term of votes in their favor. They too stand condemned.

The Philippines stands on trial in the court of world opinion, the international community has issued its strongest condemnation and the Philippines is again the most dangerous country on earth for journalist.

And to add salt to the wound, the stupidity with which the perpetrators have committed extends to immeasurable heights.

The party was escorted by representatives from the media and non-governmental organizations to ensure the safety of those who wish to enter the elections and thus defy the established political clans.

The contempt which these clans have to our democratic processes is beyond account.

If not for divine command and the rule of law, had I the strength to make them account, I would have used the Roman way of punishing these lawbreakers and disruptors of society's order.

I'll hang them to a pole and exposed them to the elements, shame them until they have no more desire for life, and feed their carcasses to the circling vultures... death to those who do not fear the law, those who seek to destroy our democratic way of life and those who have no regard for human life.

Since they do not hold life as dear, their lives are, by justice, forfeit and thus do not deserve to see the light of day.

We are watching you, the Philippine national government. Take each step carefully or you may end up liable for your inability to bring to justice your allies, however former they may be.

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