Saturday, February 27, 2010

To the Politically Uneducated: Democracies Require Active Citizens, Not Moral and Strong Leaders

Democracy does not subscribe to the Confucian belief of benevolent government run by morally superior leaders.

It flourishes with a citizenry that actively participates, hold accountable and scrutinize other citizens temporarily delegated limited authority always acting on behalf of the entire polity.

But unfortunately, as typical as other Asians want to believe, a significant number of Filipinos still believe that "good leaders" are the answer to whatever ails them.

That's why most of them made the mistake of allowing Ferdinand Marcos to usurp the very social contract which protects their rights as individuals.

Instead of putting all of their efforts to participate in the debates regarding what laws would benefit them most, they waste their thoughts and efforts in electing the "best" candidates.


Does it really matter which one is elected? Whoever gets elected and once they get elected, you need only pressure them constantly for them to act in the manner you wish them to act.

Filipino politicians, the majority of them, do not carry ideological anchors that prevents them from jumping from one party to another.

The Philippines does not have a strong political party system, where party discipline keeps politicians within party-line platforms and ideologies.

They only care that they will get re-elected!

Worst, since a significant portion of Filipinos are poor, they do not have the capacity to know the importance of being pro-active, as they worry everyday how they will get their next meal.

I encourage politicians who take advantage of the poor by handing out goods to influence their votes to HANG THEMSELVES and save other Filipinos of your stinking TRAPO nature.

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